Max '55 and Joyce Wheeler '56 Douglas believe in the mission of Manchester University

Max '55 and Joyce '56 (Wheeler) Douglas believe in the mission of Manchester University.
"Manchester prepared us to meet the challenges of the new world we found after graduation: teaching, industry, foreign assignments, and life in general," said Joyce.
They both found great success in their careers and have had many opportunities to travel abroad. Through their travels, they have come to appreciate the wide variety of cultures in our world. One area of great interest has been the great array of expression presented in art, particularly various forms of crèche.
Joyce also commented, "The four years we spent at Manchester established ties that have followed us through the years and encouraged us to contribute to the education of future generations and to their appreciation of other cultures in the world."
To further demonstrate their love of Manchester and their ongoing support of Manchester students, Max and Joyce have included the university as a significant portion of their estate plans.
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